For a correct, precise and purposeful game is the length of a floorball stick very fundamental. It is important for the game for the blade and shaft to be at the correct angle to the floor during the game. For the player to be able to control the stick well and safe, he has to hold the stick in the upper part at the end of the shaft. Too short or too long stick doesn’t allow the player a correct guidance of the ball, precise and sharp shooting and is strenuous for the player as well.

There is a recommended length of the stick corresponding with the height of the player’s figure stated in the table.

Player’s hight






















Lenght of the stick

















Only the cheapest floorball sticks have universal blades that are without a pre-set bending. It exists an easy hint for the recognition of a right and left blade (floorball stick). It is always determining what hand the player holds the stick in the bottom part with. Is it the right hand, it is a right blade (floorball stick). Under certain conditions, the blades (straight and also pre-bent) can be individually shaped. It is often possible after heating up the blade in the water on the temperature of max. 90°C, follow-up bending and letting the blade cool down in the required shape. In this case please follow the advice and instruction of the producer. Some blades have a noticeable bent at the end and are bowl-shaped for better guidance and control of the ball. The blades differ in their shape, length, weight, placing of the center of gravity, size, and hardness etc. Therefore it is important to individually verify the suitability of the certain blade for the certain game style.


The hardness of the shaft:

The hardness of the shaft is a number that states for how much millimeters the certain shaft is going to bent under strictly set conditions (distance and placement of props, load). The higher number means a bigger bend and therefore a softer shaft and the other way around. The usual range is 24 to 35. During a game and above all during a shooting, it has to come to a bending of the shaft and following straightening that helps to increase the speed of the shot ball. To choose a correct hardness it is important the game and shooting technique, physical and technical dispositions and abilities of the player. It is not true that we can accomplish a better result with a harder shaft.



Every player that wants to play in a competition organized according to the rules of the Czech Floorball Union has to have a stick marked with a trademark issued by the IFF on the basis of a certification protocol.  The floorball stick with a certification underwent a hard testing process. The certification declares that a certain type of the stick is safe and meets all the floorball rules. The certification is placed on the shaft closely over the blade.



The handgrips differ in material, depressions on the surface, softness, ability to absorb wetness and sweat, adhesiveness etc. Some floorball sticks have an ellipse cross-section in the upper part (for upper attachment) or in the whole length of the handgrip for better orientation perception of the blade on the stick. Wearing out of the handgrip depends on the game technique, handgrip material, the player’s sweat composition and other parameters.


Other information:

The suitability of the floorball stick is a heavily individual matter of every player. It’s not possible to definitely specify the suitability or unsuitability of the certain type of the stick for a certain player. In general, it is possible to recommend rather cheaper sticks for less experienced players and more expensive sticks for experienced floorball players. The blades, shafts, and handgrips on the floorball stick can be changed according to individual needs of the player or during damage of each part of the floorball stick. The shafts are usually straight and they narrow conic to the blade. They also can be bent and have a different than a circular cross-section as well. The floorball stick is an extremely exerted product during a game, under certain circumstances can (have to, has the right) break. This product is made taking the safety during a game into consideration that way, so it comes to a break of the stick by overstepping the stress limits.